RT Book, Section A1 Bruny, Jennifer A2 Ziegler, Moritz M. A2 Azizkhan, Richard G. A2 Allmen, Daniel von A2 Weber, Thomas R. SR Print(0) ID 1100432596 T1 Pectus Carinatum and Other Deformities of the Chest Wall T2 Operative Pediatric Surgery, 2e YR 2014 FD 2014 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 978-0-07-162723-8 LK accesssurgery.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1100432596 RD 2024/09/07 AB The main indications for medical intervention for children with pectus carinatum are severity of symptoms and the degree to which the deformity interferes with activities. This is a subjective decision-making process that requires the input of the surgeon, parent, and adolescent.Surgical repair and bracing can be effective treatments of pectus carinatum.Newer approaches include minimizing the extent of cartilage resection and thoracoscopic and subpectoral cartilage resection using minimally invasive techniques.Surgical intervention on the chest is indicated for patients with Poland syndrome and functional impairment, mainly those with aplastic ribs. In less severe cases, surgical repair to the chest is mainly for cosmesis.Several surgical approaches have been used to address the thoracic insufficiency associated with thoracic deformity syndromes, but the outcomes are generally poor. More promising are recent reports of procedures using vertical expandable prosthetic titanium ribs.