The larynx is an anatomical structure bridging the upper aerodigestive tract and the lower airways. Within the larynx, the vocal folds act as the principle valve dynamically controlling the aperture.
Hyoid bone is the cranial-most component.
U-shaped bone with a central body and superiorly projecting greater and lesser cornua
Suspended from the mandible by muscular attachments and from base of the skull by stylohyoid ligaments
Provides stability to the larynx and pharynx
Site of attachment for cervical strap, extrinsic tongue, middle pharyngeal constrictor, and hyolaryngeal elevator muscles
Thyroid cartilage is the largest component of the laryngeal skeleton.
Shield-shaped structure, formed from two alae fused anteriorly with an opening posteriorly.
Forms the protuberance known as Adam’s apple, larger in males.
Provides anterior support and protection for the larynx.
Posteriorly, each ala has superior and inferior cornua.
Thyrohyoid ligament connects the superior cornua to the hyoid bone.
Inferior cornua articulate with the cricoid cartilage.
Cricoid cartilage is the strongest of the laryngeal cartilages.
The only complete and rigid ring in the airway
Shaped like a signet ring with a lower height anteriorly than posteriorly
Epiglottic cartilage is leaf shaped.
Attaches to the inside of the thyroid cartilage anteriorly and projects superiorly and posteriorly above the glottic aperture.
The petiole is the point of attachment to the thyroid cartilage.
The inferior aspect of the epiglottis has fenestra that allows blood vessels to cross through the cartilage.
Arytenoid cartilages are the primary moving parts of the larynx.
Muscles that open and close the glottis act by moving the arytenoids.
Pyramidal shaped, with broad bases that articulate with the posterior superior surface of the cricoid cartilage via shallow ball and socket joints.
Vocal process:
Anterior projection of each arytenoid
Site of attachment for thyroarytenoid muscle
Muscular process:
Lateral projection of arytenoid, adjacent to medial aspect of piriform sinus
Site of insertion of the lateral and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
The medial surfaces of the arytenoids are the site of insertion of the interarytenoid muscle, which acts as the primary adductor of the vocal folds
Sesamoid cartilages: small cartilages above the arytenoid within the aryepiglottic fold
Corniculate cartilages (also called cartilages of Santorini)
Cuneiform cartilages (also called cartilages of Wrisberg)
Triticeous cartilage (variably present)—small elastic cartilage in thyrohyoid ligament; sometimes mistaken for a foreign body on soft tissue x-ray
Cricoarytenoid joint
Motion is primarily rotational about a variable vertical axis, with minor gliding/sliding motion secondarily.
Synovial joint
Arytenoid rotates externally to move vocal process upward and outward.
Arytenoid rotates internally to move the vocal process medially and inferiorly.
Cricothyroid joints
Primary motion is rotational, akin to a bucket (cricoid) on a handle (inferior cornua), with minimal sliding.
Thyrohyoid membrane
Connects thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
Pierced on lateral surface by superior laryngeal vessels and internal branch of ...