Each new edition of this book is approached by the editorial team with a dual vision keeping a dedicated eye affixed to the foundations of surgery while bringing into sharper focus on new and emerging elements. We are entering into a spectacular era of surgery in which the highest quality of care is merging with minimally invasive surgery, robotic surgery, the use of supercomputers, and personalized genomic surgery, all designed to improve the outcomes and quality of life for our patients. With these advances in mind, several new chapters have been added and all previous chapters have been updated with an emphasis on evidence-based, state-of-the-art surgical care. While this tried-and-true method remains the basis for upholding and maintaining the superb efforts and achievements of Dr. Seymour Schwartz and previous coeditors and contributors, this edition expands its vision to see beyond the operating theater and takes a look at the making of a surgeon as a whole, with the addition of the chapter, Fundamental Principles of Leadership Training in Surgery. Surely excellence in craft must be mastered and equal importance must also be given to the nontechnical training of what it means to be a leader of a surgical team.
To this effort, the editors were keen to include as the first chapter in this edition a comprehensive review of leadership methods and ideologies as well as underscoring the importance of instituting a formal leadership-training program for residents that emphasizes mentoring. Our own paths as surgeons have been defined by the mentoring relationship and we have undoubtedly benefitted greatly from the efforts of our mentors; we sincerely hope that those with whom we have entered into this time-honored tradition have reaped the benefit as well. Simply stated, leadership skills can and should be taught to surgical trainees and in doing so this will help them improve quality of care.
The editors are thankful that this text is a reliedon source for training and crafting surgeons on a global basis. This is due in large part to the extraordinary efforts of our contributors, the leaders in their fields, who not only do so to train up-and-coming surgeons, but to impart their knowledge and expertise to the benefit of patients worldwide. The recent inclusion of many international authors to the chapters within is ultimately a testament to mentorship, albeit on a broader scale, and we thank them all, both near and far.
To our fellow editorial board members who have tirelessly devoted their time and knowledge to the integrity and excellence of their craft and this textbook, we extend our gratitude and thanks. We are to thankful to Brian Belval, Christie Naglieri, and all at McGraw-Hill for the continued belief in and support of this textbook. We wish to thank Katie Elsbury for her dedication to the organization and editing of this textbook. Last, we would like to thank our families who are the most important contributors of all.
F. Charles Brunicardi, MD, FACS