Values may vary with method of measurement and population.
*Blood [B], Plasma [P], Serum [S], Urine [U].
Antithrombin III: [P] 86–120%
Bleeding time: Template method, 3–9 minutes (180–540 seconds)
Cellular measurements of red blood cells (erythrocytes):
- Average diameter = 7.3 μm (5.5–8.8 μm)
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV): Men, 80–94 fL; women, 81–99 fL (by Coulter counter)
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH): 27–32 pg
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC): 32–36 g/dL; erythrocytes (32–36%)
- Color, saturation, and volume indices: 1 (0.9–1.1)
Clot retraction: Begins in 1–3 hours; complete in 6–24 hours. No clot lysis in 24 hours.
Fibrin D-dimer: [P] 0–250 ng/mL
Fibrinogen split products: <10 μg
Fragility of erythrocytes: Begins at 0.45–0.38% NaCl; complete at 0.36–0.3% NaCl
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD): [B] 4–8 μg/g Hb
Hematocrit (PCV): Men, 40–52%; women, 37–47%
Hemoglobin: [B] Men, 14–18 g/dL (2.09–2.79 mmol/L as Hb tetramer); women, 12–16 g/dL (1.86–2.48 mmol/L). [S] 2–3 mg/dL
Partial thromboplastin time: Activated, 25–37 seconds
Platelets: 150,000–400,000/mL (0.15–0.4 × 1012/L)
Prothrombin: International normalized ratio (INR), 1–1.4
Erythrocyte count: Men, 4.5–6.2 million/μL (4.5–6.2 × 1012/L); women, 4–5.5 million/μL (4–5.5 × 1012/L)
Reticulocytes: 0.6–1.8% of erythrocytes
Sedimentation rate: <20 mm/h (Westergren)
White blood count (leukocytes) and differential: 5,000–10,000/μL (5–10 × 109/L)
Acetone and acetoacetate: [S] 0.3–2 mg/dL (3–20 mg/L)
Aldolase: [S] Values vary with method used.
α-Amino acid nitrogen: [S, fasting] 3–5.5 mg/dL (2.2–3.9 mmol/L)
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST; SGOT): [S] 15–55 IU/L
- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT; SGPT): [S] 10–70 IU/L. Values vary with method used.
Amylase: [S] 80–180 units/dL (Somogyi). Values vary with method used.
α1-Antitrypsin: [S] >180 mg/dL
Ascorbic acid: [P] 0.4–1.5 mg/dL (23–85 33 μmol/L)
Base, total serum: [S] 145–160 mEq/L (145–160 mmol/L)
Bicarbonate: [S] 24–28 mEq/L (24–28 mmol/L)
Bilirubin: [S] Total, 0.2–1.2 mg/dL (3.5–20.5 μmol/L). Direct conjugated, 0.1–0.4 mg/dL (<7 μmol/L). Indirect, 0.2–0.7 mg/dL (<12 μmol/L).
Calcium: [S] 8.5–10.3 mg/dL (2.1–2.6 mmol/L). Values vary with albumin concentration.
Calcium, ionized: [S] 4.25–5.25 mg/dL; 2.1–2.6 mEq/L (1.05–1.3 mmol/L)
β-Carotene: [S, fasting] 50–300 μg/dL (0.9–5.58 μmol/L)
Ceruloplasmin: [S] 25–43 mg/dL (1.7–2.9 μmol/L)