The fields of oncology, general surgery, and surgical oncology have
merged and evolved into the new specialty of breast surgical oncology. The
intention of this textbook is to endow practitioners who treat breast
diseases with cutting-edge, evidence-based information along with the
clinical nuances related to the field of breast surgical oncology in order
to help set current and future global standards of best practice. Toward
this end, Kuerer's Breast Surgical Oncology provides a comprehensive
dissemination of the highest level of knowledge in breast surgical oncology,
leading-edge advancements in the multidisciplinary care of patients, an
all-inclusive assessment and celebration of the major accomplishments made
thus far in the field, and focused descriptions of the next wave of
molecular and clinical studies needed to move the field forward over the
next several years.
The textbook has several
unique features: (1) complete integration of the relevant pathology of the
disease entity with clinical management; (2) an atlas on breast ultrasound
imaging and biopsy techniques; (3) special chapters on the influence of the
media and Internet on breast cancer care and the funding of breast cancer
research; (4) a separate section on the landmark trials that have shaped the
field; (5) a major section of the textbook devoted to operative management;
and (6) throughout the text, details regarding currently open and accruing
clinical trials and future critical questions that need to be answered to
move our field forward.
I am personally indebted
to the contributing authors and section editors of this first edition. They
represent an incredible mix of the current thought leaders in breast cancer
from around the nation and world and our next wave of the most creative
clinical scholars who have already begun to make their impact in the field.
Finally, it is my desire that the Kuerer's Breast
Surgical Oncology provides you with insight and fresh ideas in the
interest of our patients and their families. A bright future is anticipated
for generations of women when breast cancer no longer imparts a threat to
well-being or life. May the future begin with this present moment.
Henry M. Kuerer, MD, PhD, FACS