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This chapter shows the key anatomic features of importance that a skilled surgeon must know thoroughly during any type of laparoscopic operation for inguinal and femoral hernia repair. The first concept is to recognize that the parietal peritoneum covers certain structures forming five ligaments that are useful landmarks in identifying the hernia spaces when approaching the groin from the intraperitoneal route as in the transabdominal preperitoneal repair. These ligaments include the median umbilical ligament (1) running from the bladder to the umbilicus; the medial umbilical ligaments (3), which are the remnants of the obliterated umbilical arteries; and the lateral umbilical ligaments (4) formed by the peritoneum covering the inferior epigastric vessels (13). The spatial relationships of these ligaments allow recognition of the various types of hernias. A direct inguinal hernia (19) occurs in the medial space bounded by the inferior epigastric vessels or lateral umbilical ligament, the iliopubic tract (21), and the rectus muscle. An indirect inguinal hernia presents through the internal ring (18) above the iliopubic tract and is lateral to the lateral umbilical ligament containing the epigastric vessels (13) on the posterior surface of the rectus muscle (2). The femoral hernia space (20) can be seen below the iliopubic tract (21) and medial to the femoral vessels exiting through the femoral canal. During laparoscopic repair, the direct, indirect, and femoral spaces all should be covered with mesh.

The second important concept concerns the spaces that occur beneath the peritoneal covering (17). The preperitoneal space is the space bounded by the peritoneum posteriorly and the transversalis fascia anteriorly. The space of Retzius is that space between the pubis and the bladder. The lateral extent of this space is Bogros’ space. The transversalis fascia forms the floor of the inguinal canal and the iliopectineal arch, iliopubic tract, and crura of the deep inguinal ring. The iliopectineal arch divides the vascular compartment (iliac vessels) from the neuromuscular compartment (iliopsoas muscle, femoral nerve, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve). The iliopubic tract is an aponeurotic band that begins near the anterior superior iliac spine and inserts on the pubic tubercle medially. In its medial extent, it contributes to the formation of Cooper’s ligament (22). It forms the inferior margin of the deep musculoaponeurotic layer made up of the transversus abdominis muscle and aponeurosis and the transversalis fascia. Laterally, it extends to the iliacus and psoas fascia. It forms with fibers of the transversalis fascia, the anterior margin of the femoral sheath, and the medial border of the femoral ring and canal. Its lower margin is attached to the inguinal ligament. The iliopubic tract is an important landmark. Dissection or tacking of preperitoneal mesh should not take place inferior to the iliopubic tract except in the limited region of Cooper’s ligament. Dissection or tack placement centrally ...

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