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Although this textbook was meant to provide an understanding of the nontechnical fundamentals to artificial intelligence (AI) in surgery, we hope that your journey through this book has inspired you to pursue additional education in AI. As such, we have curated a list of resources ranging from textbooks to online courses and code repositories. For online courses, all resources listed are free with, in some cases, an option to purchase a certificate for those interested.


Artificial Intelligence

Russell  S, Norvig  P. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson; 2009. (One of the definitive textbooks for AI. A comprehensive textbook on the theory and application of AI that is often used for both undergraduate and graduate courses in AI.)
James  G, Witten  D, Hastie  T, Tibshirani  R. An Introduction to Statistical Learning With Applications in R. Springer; 2013. (A textbook that provides an accessible introduction to concepts in statistical learning. Each chapter contains a tutorial on implementing the analyses and methods presented in R.)
Gopal  M. Applied Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill Education; 2018. (For readers with a solid grasp of calculus and linear algebra, this textbook provides an overview of concepts within AI, many of which are covered in the current book you are reading, but with more mathematical explanation and intuition.)
Deisenroth  MP, Faisal  AA, Ong  CS. Mathematics for Machine Learning. Cambridge University Press; 2020. (This book provides a concise review of the key mathematical concepts necessary to understand machine learning for those wishing to conduct a deeper dive into understanding or building algorithms and networks. It provides a particular emphasis on how these key mathematical concepts apply to machine learning problems.)


Wickham  H, Grolemund  G. R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data. O’Reilly Media; 2016.
Free online copy from the authors at
An easy to comprehend book that walks through the use of R programming language specifically for applications in data science.
Wickham  H. Advanced R. CRC Press; 2019.
Free online copy from the author at
For those interested in expanding their understanding of the R language, this book delves into more specific and advanced concepts.


Mathematics Helpful for AI

Khan Academy
Khan Academy’s visual approach to teaching has been popular with students in middle and high school. However, they also provide valuable lessons at the college level, which is more than sufficient to help you regain a fundamental understanding of the most common mathematical approaches used in machine learning.
Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization

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