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FIGURE 110-1

Post–liver transplantation pleural effusion. Posteroanterior (PA) chest radiograph shows a layering right pleural effusion. This is a very common finding postoperatively and usually resolves within a few days.


FIGURE 110-2

(A–B) A large pleural effusion is noted in this patient status post–liver transplantation with fever and right-sided chest pain. The partial loculation of the fluid suggests the presence of adhesions, raising suspicion of an empyema. The air–fluid levels (arrows) are secondary to previous thoracenteses.

FIGURE 110-3

Axial computed tomography (CT) scan at the level of the right costophrenic angle shows a pleural effusion with an air–fluid level and gas bubbles. Notice the pleural thickening and enhancement (arrows), suggesting serosal inflammation in this transplant patient with a pleural empyema.

FIGURE 110-4

Bilateral pulmonary opacities. PA radiograph depicts bilateral alveolar opacities compatible with pulmonary edema. Notice the right hemidiaphragm elevation, which is a common postoperative finding after liver transplantation.


FIGURE 110-5

CT scan shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates in a patient with severe respiratory failure and hypoxemia after liver transplantation. Ground-glass opacities are the predominant finding, but areas of consolidation are also noted in dependent regions (arrows). The imaging findings along with the clinical picture are compatible with respiratory distress.


FIGURE 110-6

CT scan shows a tumorlike pulmonary consolidation (asterisks) in a liver transplant patient with fever, chest pain, and chills. A bacterial pneumonia was diagnosed and successfully treated with antibiotics.


FIGURE 110-7

CT scan shows a masslike consolidation in the upper right lobe surrounded by a halo of ground-glass opacity. A fungal infection was diagnosed.


FIGURE 110-8

CT scan shows multiple peripherally located pulmonary nodules with an angiocentric distribution consistent with septic embolism. Notice the cavitation in the right lower lobe nodule (arrow).

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