With the publication of its 11th edition, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery celebrates its 50th anniversary. It is remarkable to consider the number of students, residents, fellows, surgeons, and patients who have benefitted from the collective knowledge compiled in this text over the last half-century. It is an honor for the current editorial board to carry forward the tradition of excellence in education established by Dr. Seymour Schwartz and previous editors. We recognize that surgeons have entered into an era of surgery in which the outcomes of operations and patient satisfaction scores are carefully monitored, demanding excellence through enhanced evidenced-based knowledge, patient-family–centered care, and the highest levels of professionalism.
The first chapter on leadership has taken on special meaning in light of the new demands placed on surgeons for both technical and nontechnical skills, underscoring the importance of instituting a formal leadership-training program for surgery students of all ages with an emphasis on mentoring. We have also entered into the dawn of a new era of surgery with advances in minimally invasive surgery using robots, molecular contrast, and full computerization, thus enhancing the safety of surgery and allowing surgeons a more comfortable environment in which to work. We recognize that the use of “omic” information is ushering in an era of precision surgery and the importance of surgeons, who have access to the tissues of the human body on a daily basis for “omic” profiling that will guide targeted therapies to enhance the outcomes of surgery.
Taking these constructs into consideration, the editors and authors of this 11th edition have done their very best to revise each chapter and convey the current state-of-the-art in surgery. Continuing in this effort, five new chapters have been added: Understanding and Evaluating Evidence for Surgical Practice, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery, Ambulatory/Outpatient Surgery, Skills and Simulation, and Web-based Education and Implications of Social Media. This edition contains the latest in leadership training, surgical science, surgical techniques, and therapy for students, residents, fellows, and surgeons. Another important component of this new edition is the artwork. We acknowledge the outstanding artistic team of Jason M. McAlexander & Associates who directed the full color art program, which provides clear and consistent learning aids throughout the text and visually reflects the comprehensive and updated nature of this book.
The editors are thankful that this text is a trusted source for training and crafting surgeons worldwide. Such success is due in large part to the extraordinary efforts of our contributors—leaders in their fields—who not only train up-and-coming surgeons but also impart their knowledge and expertise to benefit patients across the globe. The inclusion of many international authors to the chapters within is ultimately a testament to mentorship, albeit on a broader scale, and we thank these authors and mentors, both near and far. To our fellow editorial board members who have tirelessly devoted their time and knowledge to the integrity and excellence of their craft and this textbook, we extend our gratitude. We are thankful to Andrew Moyer, Christie Naglieri, and all at McGraw-Hill who continued to believe in and support this work, and we wish to thank Katie Elsbury for her dedication to the organization and editing of this edition. Lastly, we would like to thank our families for their support and love.
F. Charles Brunicardi, MD, FACS